- Resignation of CS
- Reg (2)
- Reg_40(9)_140423
- 7 (3) (1)
- Draft MGT-7 for FY 2021-22
- Intimation of Book Closure for 22nd AGM
- Newspaper Advertisement for 22nd AGM 04.08.2022
- Newspaper Advertisement for 22nd AGM 08.08.2022
- Alteration in MOA and AoA
- Voting Results with Scrutinizers Report- EGM
- Intimation for Book Closure- EGM
- Newspaper Advertisement- Notice of EGM
- Intimation of Closure of Trading Window
- Intimation of Book Closure- AGM
- Newspaper Advertisement 2021
- Intimation for closure of trading window 30.09.2021
- DRAFT MGT-7 2021
- Composition of Board of Directors
- Composition of Committees of Board of Directors
- Newspaper Advertisement
- Intimation of Book Closure
- Newspaper Advertisement for 20th AGM
- Intimation of Closure of the Trading Window as on 31st March, 2021.