
  1. BM OUTCOME_25042023__signed
  2. Outcome of Board Meeting- 31.05.2022
  3. Outcome of Board Meeting – 12.02.2022
  4. Outcome of EGM- 28.03.2022
  5. EGM Notice- 28.03.2022
  6. Outcome of Board Meeting 13.11.2021
  7. Outcome of 21st AGM
  8. Voting results with Scrutinizer Report of 21st AGM
  9. Notice of 19th AGM
  10. Annual General Meeting 2017
  11. Notice of EGM
  12. Outcome of EGM- 09.11.2018
  13. Outcome of Board Meeting-14.11.2018
  14. Outcome of Meeting-27.11.2018
  15. Outcome of the Board meeting- 05.03.2019
  16. Outcome of the Board meeting-22.03.2019
  17. Outcome of 19th AGM
  18. Voting result and Scrutinizer Report of 19th AGM
  19. Outcome of Meeting 14.11.2019
  20. Outcome of Board Meeting 31 Dec 2019
  21. Outcome of Board Meeting 03.09.2020
  22. Notice of 20th AGM
  23. Outcome of 20th AGM
  24. Voting Results and Scrutinizers report
  25. Outcome of Board Meeting  13.11.2020
  26. Resignation of Director Jan 04 2021
  27. Outcome of Board Meeting 30.06.2021
  28. Outcome of Board Meeting 07.07.2021
  29. Notice of EGM
  30. Annual Report 2023-24